Online Session
Falun Dafa
9-Day Lecture Seminar
Join the Falun Dafa Online 9-Day Lecture Seminar
Join the free online 9 Days Falun Dafa online seminar (held in English). The online lecture seminars run 9 days in a row at the same time every day, and it's important to watch them all. If you are in Australia, you could join the in-person 9-day lecture series here.
Seminar includes:
Watch videos of Mr Li Hongzhi systematic 9 days lecture on Falun Dafa
Learn one of the Falun Dafa exercises after each lecture
2 hours a day - all you need is a mobile phone or a computer.
Please note, unfortunately there are no recordings available, so please choose a time slot that you can easily attend (each month the lecture series starts at a different time).
Falun Dafa 9-Day Video Lecture Series
Evening classes (time varies for each month)
For morning 9-Day Lecture Seminar times please see this link.
About the Falun Dafa
9-Day Lecture Seminars
Master Li introduced Falun Gong in the format of a nine-lecture seminar series across China from 1992-1994. The final seminars, which took place in Guangzhou, were recorded live and are the ones made available for online watching. You’ll find a wide range of topics covered, including explanations for various qigong-related phenomena, the purpose and meaning of “cultivation practice” along with its basis in science and morality.
Many people reported that they experienced miraculous changes both physically and spiritually after attending the seminar. That's why some people who have been practicing Falun Dafa for a long time would repeatedly attend the 9-day lectures once in a while to gain new insights and understandings.
Watching Master Li's 9-day lecture video recordings (Mandarin with English voiceover) is an excellent way to systematically learn Falun Gong teachings. Each lecture is about 1 to 2 hours long. You can watch them at your own pace or sign up for the 9-day online lectures. Many people find it more effective to learn by attending the lectures with others.