How Practising Falun Dafa Helped These Problem Gamblers and Computer Addicts Overcome Their Addiction
Overcoming addiction—any addiction—can be hard work, especially when failed attempts have resulted in further heartache and pain. While loss, and the desire to be free from addiction’s shackle, can spur people into action, some may need a holistic approach in tackling what professionals describe as “a physical or psychological need to do, take or use something, to the point where it could be harmful to you.”
While it is recommended people seek professional help when managing and overcoming certain addictions, it can also be refreshing to note that a spiritual component, such as the practice of Falun Dafa, has helped people overcome common addictions, namely alcohol, gambling and computer games.
What follows below are a couple of inspiring stories of how that occurred:
‘A Bright Beacon’—Gambler Sees Through Addiction And Finds Hope
A self described “notorious gambler” who loved playing Mahjong (a tile based game popular in Asia) couldn’t overcome his gambling addiction even after his family sent him to rehab.
“I was drawn to gambling like a moth to a flame,” the man said.
Playing Mahjong (Credit:
“I would often skip work to gamble for days on end. When I won, I became greedy and placed bigger bets. When I lost, I would be enraged and couldn't wait to come back to the table with more money. It was a vicious cycle – I'd win until I lost, but I would keep coming back anyway.”
The man said he ignored the advice of his family members who were worried that his gambling woes would eventually cause him to live on the streets.
But after taking up the practice of Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) and having read Mr. Li Hongzhi’s (founder of Falun Dafa) teachings, he understood a higher meaning to life and discovered that his gambling addiction ran contrary to this goal.
“Falun Gong served as a bright beacon, a light in my life that gave me new hope,” he said.
“It sent me on the path to recovery – a path to return to my original, true self.”
Along with overcoming his gambling addiction, the man also gave up smoking and drinking, and he also noticed a marked improvement in his physical health.
Since taking up the practice all the way back in 1997, the man said he continues to study the Fa (teachings of Falun Dafa) and do the five gentle exercises on a daily basis.
“I conduct myself according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Gradually, I removed many of my attachments and began to treat other people more kindly. As a result, my relationships with my family members and neighbours have improved,” he said.
Calligraphy of Chinese characters 真 Zhen – Truthfulness, 善 Shan – Compassion, and 忍 Ren – Forbearance. These are also the key tenets of Falun Dafa. (Credit:
“The goodness of Falun Gong is reflected in me. It changed me from an incorrigible gambler to a kind, considerate practitioner, from being an incapacitated patient to a healthy person, and from a selfish taker to a considerate giver. My changes shocked many people whom I've come into contact with, including those in the fields of public security, education and medicine.”
2. ‘I’m Not Interested in Playing Games Anymore’
Sofia, a Greek woman, tried to quit playing video games but couldn’t even though it took a toll on her health.
The addiction eventually took hold of her daily life where she would often play them for 16 hours per day. This lasted for almost eight years.
Playing video games (Credit:
“I tried many times to give it up, but I didn’t have enough willpower to control myself and pull myself out of it,” she said.
She eventually gave up more active interests, such as amateur dramatics, running and dancing, so that she could focus on playing video games.
Then on one fateful day, a colleague introduced Falun Gong to her. After reading through the teachings and practising the exercises she became determined to apply the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in her daily life.
Sofia practicing the second Falun Gong exercise (Credit:
“I was so excited,” she said.
While she didn’t immediately stop thinking about playing video games she did feel a noticeable change.
“I played the games again after I started practicing Falun Dafa, but I found this time my addiction wasn’t that strong, and gradually I lost interest in them.”
“If I played again, I would feel a sharp pain in my eyes, and my body felt terrible. I decided to quit playing them altogether.”
She eventually lost interest in playing video games.
Sofia’s relationship with her parents also improved as she strove to follow the practice’s moral principles.
She said that her relationship with them normalised and no longer looks for their faults.
“Falun Dafa has completely changed me,” she said.
“My mind has become clear, strong, and honest. Our life together has become more relaxed and full of compassion, wisdom, and hope.”
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‘Learn Falun Gong—Australia’ is a website run by Australian Falun Dafa volunteers for the benefit of the general public.
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Information is provided as a guide only, and does not take the place of professional or medical advice.