What do Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) practitioners believe? Falun Gong beliefs revealed…
An Introduction Into Falun Gong Beliefs—A Practitioner’s Perspective
Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) is based around the core principles Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. Although these may seem like very simple words, it can mean a lot more than what is understood on the surface.
For example, Truthfulness doesn’t simply mean honesty and how to be a person that doesn’t lie—it can also suggest that one needs to be righteous, genuine and sincere in one’s words and actions.
What is Falun Gong? Falun Gong Teachings and Beliefs. (Credit: Falun Dafa Information Center)
So how does one conduct oneself in the best possible way with every conduct bespeaking of one’s best qualities?
In my view, a person must behave in a genuine manner that highlights one’s self and in turn, this gives sustenance, value and a moral anchor into realising one’s original true self.
This then leads to the second principle, Compassion. To be compassionate isn’t to be merely kind to others—it goes much deeper than that. Compassion is unconditional. It can mean benevolence, empathy, becoming more humane, magnanimity, and altruism.
Finally, the third principle is Forbearance. This is no simple word; it isn’t as shallow as to just tolerate something or someone. It includes forgiveness as well, and the ability to have a strong will, to stay calm, to endure and be unwavering, to be patient and steadfast, and to never give up despite all adversities.
In some ways, Truthfulness and Compassion are also a part of Forbearance, just as Truthfulness and Forbearance are in Compassion, and also how Forbearance and Compassion are in Truthfulness. The meanings go hand in hand and thus everything comes together when we go about our daily lives and as we learn more about ourselves. See more about why Falun Gong is great.
Falun Gong Has Universal Qualities
Passed down from history, qigong was always believed to be a way of cultivation, a way of spiritual advancement.
Through studying Zhuan Falun (the main book of Falun Gong), the spirit becomes enriched and the mind is elevated.
The five sets of meditation exercises aim to purify and open the energy channels of the body so that both the mind and body improve together. To learn more about the practice you can join an online Falun Gong webinar here.
A Falun Dafa practitioner demonstrates the first exercise ‘Buddha Showing A Thousand Hands’. (Credit: Falun Dafa Information Center)
So the question is: how are Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance in any way negative? I believe that these are principles every human being should have and uphold, regardless of nationality, age or occupation. Everyone should have these moral values to guide them to be a better person.
By observing these principles and explore their inner meanings, one can stay spiritually grounded and use these principles a moral compass to become better and wiser persons. For instance, if a person is genuinely compassionate, they will look within for their shortcomings and constantly strive to perfect their character amidst conflicts.
After all, the best is always the hardest to achieve.
I hope you enjoyed the read! Stay tuned for more :)
‘Learn Falun Gong—Australia’ is a website run by Australian Falun Dafa volunteers for the benefit of the general public.