Day 4: Online Course - Falun Dafa 9-Days Lecture + Learning Exercises

Follow the guide below and completed each topic

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4.1 Catch up online - Day 4

Welcome to Day 4

4.2 Watch Lecture 4 given by Mr. Li Hongzhi

Watch Lecture 4 by Mr. Li Hongzhi (1 Hour 25 min)

and download lecture in audio format (mp3) 


4.3 Learning Exercise 3 in the class

4.4 Music for Exercise 3

Download Music for Exercise 3 (9 min) : Penetrating the Cosmic Extremes

4.5 Practice Falun Gong Exercise 3 with other practitioners

Practice Falun Gong Exercise 3 by yourself with other practitioners

 by Easy Mirroring Opposite Gender

4.6 Explanations of the Exercise Movements - Exercise 3

Supplementary Reading Material - ‘The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection’

Chapter II: Illustrations and Explanations of the Exercise Movements - Exercise 3

4.7 Mechanics and Principles of the Exercise Movements - Exercise 3

Supplementary Reading Material - ‘The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection’

Chapter III: Mechanics and Principles of the Exercise Movements - Exercise 3


Day 3: Online Course - Falun Dafa 9-Days Lecture + Learning Exercises


Day 5: Online Course - Falun Dafa 9-Days Lecture + Learning Exercises